Which ideas excite you? What would you like to see done in our community? How would you like to help bring the inspiration to life?

We truly value all community input but we must give more weight to our SHCC members’ feedback. If you feel strongly about an issue and are not yet a member; we strongly encourage you to Join Today. The SHCC annual membership is still $35/household and $20 for senior neighbors 65+.

Survey results:

There were a possible 120 points for each item in the survey. The items that had the most interest (and in this order) were:

Crosswalks and/or traffic signals - (73 points) across Main St. so that we can safely connect/visit our friends and neighbors of East and West Sunset Heights and also crosswalk/signal across 20th St. possibly at Arlington or Columbia so that we can safely connect to our neighbors south of us.

An Annual event - (73 points) was a tie with the crosswalk/signal project. Our 1st annual event might be in conjunction with the Haunted House Decorating contest, possibly a movie night at Halbert park. If you’d like to help organize; drop us a note!

Block mixers - (69 points) Our 1st Neighborhood mixer is this June 26th at the Central City Co-Op.

Tree canopy restoration - 68 points. We are shooting for 30+ new trees this coming fall. Help us spread the word. If you know a neighbor with an open easement or right of way that could use a little shade; please share the news with them.

Movie night at Halbert Park - 63 points Coming soon to a basketball court near you!

Thanks again for your feedback!

Your ideas & your participation are vital keys to our thriving community in Sunset Heights.