Goals - Sunset Height Civic Club


We're committed to our neighborhood in three ways:  informing, networking, and collaborating - all in the name of enhancing our quality of life here.  And as our founder "Chaz" Halbert said, "to make Sunset Heights a better place to live."  We are willing to make time to learn from each other and have fun doing it.  

Our three core tenets

There are many reasons to get out and meet one another, including learning more about neighborhood events, activities and security.

Community events and projects are a great way to raise quality of life. We are a spark for getting those good ideas off the ground.

Being a source of information for local affairs affecting the neighborhood.

Specific Ways in which we extend our reach:

We help our neighbors “Have a Say” - a larger group can have a louder voice regarding the local issues that affect our quality of life.

We are a proud to be a part of Houston’s Super Neighborhood Alliance. As your representative at the Greater Heights Super Neighborhood, we are committed to improving our neighborhood and a dedicated to working with the City of Houston to achieve the specific goals we’ve established together. Do you have an issue that’s important to you? Start today by letting us know.  We welcome creative thinking and problem solving and look forward to working together.

We help provide the eyes & ears to help keep our neighborhood safe.

Safety and Security is a priority. We support our neighborhood Constable Program. We also welcome ideas about how to best keep our homes & streets as safe as possible.

We help promote Local Events

We know how to have a good time and hope you’ll join us. Social events, parties and general hospitality are important to us. These are great ways to bring neighbors together for fun and conversation.  Are you aware of an new business in the neighborhood, an upcoming event, a new restaurant or up-and-coming artist?  We love to support and partner with our local businesses. Reach out and let’s make something of it.